The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently seized more than 3,000 counterfeit musical instruments with an estimated retail value of nearly $19 million if authentic. The counterfeit goods, shipped in sea containers from Asia, were intercepted by CBP officers in collaboration with partner agencies.
“These counterfeit instruments can appear and feel legitimate to unsuspecting consumers who purchase them through online third-party sellers, street markets, unauthorized retailers, or private transactions,” said Cheryl M. Davies, CBP Director of Field Operations in Los Angeles. “Consumers should carefully consider where they buy these goods and how much they are paying. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”
Industry leaders praised the efforts of CBP officers, HSI special agents, and investigators from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in combating counterfeit goods.
The seized instruments, including replicas of popular models from leading brands, highlight the dangers of intellectual property theft.